About MTC Dietitians

MTC Background and Philosophy
Make The Change – Diet & Exercise was established in 2014 by Mike O'Sullivan and is currently operated by two other dietitians and a practice manager.
MTC Diet & Exercise works through its base clinic in Thornbury and has outreach services to many medical centres around the city as well as provide meal planning support to several gyms in metropolitan Melbourne.
67% of Australian are overweight or obese, 5% with type 2 diabetes and almost 20% with some level of food intolerance or IBS. All primarily nutrition related health issues.
Our primary focus is to prevent and treat chronic illnesses and help and educate our patients to have a better and healthier lifestyle.
Mike O'Sullivan - Principal Dietitian & Director
Highly experienced dietitian with special interest in diabetes, weight loss and gut health. Technical background in science and biotechnology, motivational & practical clinician.
Personal trainer qualifications.